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Ocean of Love I AM

Ocean of Love I am

Do you want to find more of you?

Do you want to find more of you, then let me tell you the secret of the ages. I has been Known by true mystics in all traditions and cultures. It cannot be spoken of nor described. But it is available to you All and has always been there residing within you.

I can point to it and only you can discover the reality of IT. Put aside all religion, spiritual description all New Age “gobble de gook”, channeled messages from on “high”. And everything I have ever written here on FB.

It is so, so SIMPLE. If you would Know God. Know SELF, Know the “Peace that Passeth all Understanding”.

Then listen, watch, and feel.

There is a Song of Creation that plays Eternally within you. You will hear it as a constant ringing within and without……… Listen.

There is a Light that Shines within you.

There is a Light that Shines within you (with eyes closed and eyes open). Though it may be faint at first the more you watch the brighter it becomes………Watch. There is a soft and strong Presence (beyond any naming of it) within you constantly……….Feel it.

And Beloved HUMan Being, Brother/Sister of my Heart. It all depends on Trusting Silence. And Laughing because it has to be said.

I So Love You

****************** PS What of You ? And some of you will skip this putting no significance on it whatsoever. And some of you will puzzle over it and go back to your ornate description of Truth and seek more to fill the void. And some of you will recognize and perhaps explore further your experiences of unfettered SELF. And some of you will get the Awesome Beauty and Profundity of this ‘practice” of “The Way” that is being pointed to.

And there is absolutely no judgement here Precious Souls.

YOU are LOVE and YOU are LOVED beyond…… beyond.

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