Transformational Books
Humanity Rising Shortread Book Series
This book will remind you there is nothing wrong with you. That all thge changes you are going through are perfectly “normal” and that it is proof that you are “on track”.
This read will help you reconnect to your knowing that you cannot push this Lifestream of expanding consciousness. It flows inexorably, eternally by itself.

The greatest obstacle faced in the quest for Knowledge of Self and the reaiisation of peace, harmony, and love in our life, is the inability to drop old habits of thought and feeling.
How difficult it is to “Get out of your own way.” To slow down and stop the internal dialogue that is incessant when we are court in a negative loop..

Have you often tried to work out all details of what you might experience before it happens? Then you find out that things seldom work out the way you planned it. If only you had just been able to relax and let things "happen”, what freedom.
You chose your own destiny eons ago, so you cannot avoid it otherwise you would not experience the knowing you came here for.

Coming Soon

Ascension Reminder Series
Coming (August 2024)
On Navigating Human Relationships: From Self Love to Unity Consciousness

Paperback & Kindle
How can you delete the deep programming from being put down, marginalised, and disempowered for most of your life?
Beautiful Human is a practical guide for you to permanently reverse all this.
Based on the authors 50+ years of teaching psychology and spiritual mentoring around the world, Beautiful Human addresses something we all

face when we consciously decide to take the journey within to really know ourselves.
Paperback & Kindle
Other titles
Quantum Self Healing outlines a revolutionary method for healing and transformation. It is simplicity itself and the author, through his vision, and years of working with people creating and generating personal mandalas brings you a modality whereby you can simply and instantaneously connect with your new DNA and build a resonance with your cellular memory

and thus make changes physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually towards balance and wellness.
Paperback & Kindle
A monumental transformation is taking place in the consciousness of all humankind. "All You Can Be" describes how we are experiencing this deep rooted revolution in the very nature of ourselves and our reality. It outlines the widespread symptoms of this transformation and the extraordinary new potential for growth in awareness and creative expression. Nicky gives many simple

practical tools that will aide the reader in their transition.
It is so common today to think of the issue of our existence to be complex and this complexity of life stifles us. Life is nowhere near as complex as we would make it and it is the purpose of the book to guide the seeker to a more simple and balanced way to view, and to handle their lives.
The view expressed here is that every experience in everyday life has meaning,

especially with regards to the nature of men and women as they find themselves at the present time.
Kindle format
These times since December 2012 are all about the choice we are each having to make about whether to continue to live in the old paradigm of fear and drama, of whether to take our own power and choose our own higher calling.
This book is based on readings focusing on the liberation of self in these times. They are powerful reminders of things that are forgotten and are critical to personal awakening.

Paperback & Kindle
The series of essays was designed to help those fairly new to broaden view of their life and their spirituality, to navigate themselves towards a fuller richer understand of themselves. It provides simple clues to everyones inner power to change towards a happier and more fulfilling life.