Committed to Love 24/7.
In your Lovingness Constantly What is 5D (the 5th Dimension)? I have not come across anyone who has defined “5D” adequately though it is...
No Need to Prove Yourself to Anyone
Love is the Proof of Who You Are You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. This is a Biggy. If you Truly Honour who and what you are...
On Creating Inner Resonance
New Ways of Being : On Creating Inner Resonance The Discordant Waves of Learned Emotions Reality can only be experienced fully through...
Reinvent Yourself.
Unhappy People Cannot Define You Press the Delete Button We listen to unhappy people from childhood and have internalised the “put...
Some New Earth Alchemy
New Earth Alchemy Of Orbs and Bubbles Here is a simple powerful alchemy anyone can do. How excited you get when you see orbs knowing...
You are Expanding Everywhere
You are Expanding Everywhere Your Being is Calling You Love expands, unconditional love is Inclusive. Love is calling you from within...
Create Your New Earth: Dream Big
Create Your New Earth: Dream Big Your Previous Identity is Fading Friends, do not mourn what you were. Your forgetfulness, your far away...
Your Huge Shift in Consciousness
Your Shift in Consciousness The Trials You have had were not Yours Why do you think you have experience your "trials and traumas”? You...
Breaking Free of Family and Friend Attachments.
Breaking Free of Family and Friend Attachments. Cutting Dependency Ties Your awakening requires of you to stand on your own two feet. It...
A Wake Up Call
A Wake Up Call? Simplify Your Reality Each puts their own construction on reality. Hard to believe but you actually create it all. Some...