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Creating 3D from 5D Being

Creating 3D from 5D Being

Is the World going to Pieces?

I could speak about the conditions in the world and the experiences of pain in the world only for our understanding. But there is too much dwelling on what appears to be true, on clearing, and healing, on praying for others and bemoaning the fact that things are not changing fast enough. The old 3D HAS NO SUBSTANCE. THERE IS NO CREATIVE ENERGY THAT SUPPORTS IT ANY MORE. It only speaks of the INSANITY of suffering, lack, unsafety, and fear. Simply your thoughts that maintain its illusionary veil. While you wait for change it continues on.

You are Creator Beings. What do you think your ascension is about? It is about you taking the fullest conscious version of YOU. Living your life from your highest knowing in every now moment and CREATING THE WORLD YOU DREAM OF, AS YOU FIND IT.

Creating Involves Your Conscious Choice. Creating involves daily choices of thought and feelings. To see, and be directed through your own Truth expression and manifesting (actually loving) the qualities that you hold dear. Dreaming your dream, imagining in your field of Lovingness, and gaining a fuller feeling of Yourself and your power to create through actually developing a simple dynamic in your life of creative expression and Loving intent.

Just for Today.

So for today forget (or put on the back burner) the so called “plight of the world”. Focus on creating the feeling tones of reality you wish to be a part of, the new 3D from a 5D+ frequency of living. This involves also building community through the expression of you in ALL your relationships. Everything follows from the Life expression you choose to adopt. How about Now? SHINE ON Beloved Brothers and Sisters.

I So Love You *********************** PS

This time of acceleration IS ABOUT LOVING and enjoying being all of YOU. The rest will follow because Universal Unconditional Infinite Love includes EVERYONE ELSE. There is only ONE OF US HERE.

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